What Can Be Done to Treat Dry Socket If You Have It?

After a tooth is removed, a clean hole could develop. Blood coagulation after molar extraction aids in safeguarding the exposed bone and nerve. It might, however, be misplaced or fail to develop, leaving an empty hole. Joint aches may be unpleasant. The dentists at Dentistry of Miami are dedicated to protecting our clients from the excruciating consequences of a dry socket.

What Can Be Done to Treat Dry Socket If You Have It?

Complicated extractions, bacterial infections, and operating room mishaps can cause a dry joint. Your eye, ear, or neck may experience pain in a dehydrated joint that spreads from the socket. Dry sockets can also be identified by their empty sockets, exposed bone, bad breath, and an unpleasant aftertaste. At-home care is available for this illness. Options for treatment include: 

  • Rinsing with salt water: Two days following a tooth extraction, rinsing your mouth with warm salt water may help to avoid the development of dry sockets. Even if they give you medicine, your dentist may advise lukewarm saltwater rinses if a dry socket develops. After every meal, swish the saltwater rinse in your mouth for 60 seconds at least thrice daily. You can also use the syringe the dentist provides to remove the remnants.
  • Cold and heat therapy: For the first 24 hours following a molar extraction, cold cloths applied to the cheeks might help minimize swelling. Use warm washcloths as heat treatment after that to lessen discomfort. Always apply a lukewarm compress—never a hot one. While cold can make muscles numb, heat can reduce discomfort. You may test both to discover which produces outcomes that are more helpful to you. To remove the dried-out joint, use each for fifteen minutes while halting occasionally.
  • Honey: Honey dressings can significantly reduce the swelling, discomfort, and irritation in dry joints. Additionally, it aids in preventing the spread of illness. Use natural honey and clean bandages to treat a dry socket. Apply the honey-soaked gauze to the affected region as soon as possible after that. Swap it out every couple hours if you intend to leave it all day.

A painful dry joint might make it difficult to ignore it. But if it needs to be addressed, additional problems can arise. The most frequent problem is a prolonged repair time. More medicated dressings and close monitoring will be required for the dry socket to heal correctly. The infection in your socket might spread to your bone if you ignore it. Antibiotics may be needed orally or intravenously to prevent the illness from worsening. There aren’t many hazards associated with utilizing home remedies to treat dry sockets, aside from allergic responses, but you should see your doctor to be sure they’re safe.

Let Dentistry of Miami Help You Avoid Dry Sockets.

A dry socket can be painful, but natural ways exist to avoid and treat it. A dry socket can be treated with warm salt water rinses, cold or heat therapy, and honey. Instead of solely utilizing over-the-counter medications to treat a dry tooth, talk to your dentist about the issue. Any qualified dentist can assist you in getting it successfully treated; call Dentistry of Miami at (305) 598-2622 to contact us and arrange a consultation.


Dr. Randy Furshrman
Eduardo Solórzano, DDS

Are experts in the fields of cosmetic and general dentistry serving the Miami, FL area. Between them, they bring 43 years of experience to the patients that rely on Dentistry of Miami for the area’s best dental care.

Dr. Randy Furshrman
Eduardo Solórzano, DDS

Are experts in the fields of cosmetic and general dentistry serving the Miami, FL area. Between them, they bring 43 years of experience to the patients that rely on Dentistry of Miami for the area’s best dental care.