Treatment Approaches for Dental Black Triangles

When your smile is healthy, the teeth are situated close together, and there is little space between them. In cases where the gums have begun to recede, space can often show up in the form of a black triangle. There are, however, ways to alleviate these gaps. This article will help you learn the cause and treatment for these black triangles.

The Source of Black Triangles

Black triangles are more common than you’d expect, affecting over 60% of people 20 and over. They aren’t often talked about, but they can harm the way you view your smile. These triangles are sometimes genetic, but there are other ways that they can start to show. One of these is poor dental hygiene, but they can also include:

  • Age: Black triangles affect 70% of people 20 and over, but the older you get, the more susceptible you are to them. Your gums can naturally recede as you get older, and your enamel weakens due to a lack of Vitamin D and calcium. 
  • Gum Disease: In people between 20 and 65, gum disease is the leading cause of black triangles. Things like gingivitis affect both gums and enamel.
  • Tooth Root Divergence: It’s rare, but the root of the tooth can break down and diverge over time.
  • Abnormal Tooth Restoration: When something goes wrong during a restoration of the tooth, it can cause the triangles to appear. This can also cause other cosmetic problems and poor oral structure.

The primary reason people want to have these triangles treated is for cosmetic reasons. That being said, they can lead to other problems with the teeth, including rapid tooth decay. So even if you only want to treat this problem for cosmetic reasons, it still warrants a visit to the dentist. The treatment process is not a short one, but it is worth it in the end.

Treatment Approaches for Black Triangles

Black triangles are harder to treat than most other problems, involving more than just your dentist. Generally, an oral surgeon, orthodontist, and cosmetic dentist have to be involved in the process as well. It might take a while, but the triangles are possible to eliminate. Your mouth will be healthier. Here are the ways used to correct this problem:

  • Reshaping of the Teeth: Contouring, bonding, and reshaping your teeth can fill spaces in your teeth and gums. 
  • Gingival Veneers: There are veneers made for this purpose. They can cover the spaces left in the teeth. Regular brushing and flossing are required to prevent the spaces from appearing again.
  • Orthodontic Treatment: Sometimes, the spaces are caused by teeth that aren’t aligned properly. In this case, braces or other treatments are also required to get rid of them or reverse them. Not only can this relieve the space, but it helps boost confidence by giving you an even smile.
  • Surgical Treatments: A few different surgeries can help with black triangles. These include tissue volumizing, gum recontouring, and other regenerative methods. These methods often eliminate the triangles for good.

To prevent the appearance of these triangles brushing and flossing regularly can help. If you notice them, it might be time to visit your dentist to correct this concern before it worsens.


Dr. Randy Furshrman
Eduardo Solórzano, DDS

Are experts in the fields of cosmetic and general dentistry serving the Miami, FL area. Between them, they bring 43 years of experience to the patients that rely on Dentistry of Miami for the area’s best dental care.

Dr. Randy Furshrman
Eduardo Solórzano, DDS

Are experts in the fields of cosmetic and general dentistry serving the Miami, FL area. Between them, they bring 43 years of experience to the patients that rely on Dentistry of Miami for the area’s best dental care.